inclusive-Emergency Management
PCHS is launching a cutting-edge program called inclusive-Emergency Management (iEM). PACIFIC Atamai aims to launch this degree program in Fall 2024 and train more "navigators" with the knowledge and skills to become trained emergency managers. By doing so, we will enhance our ability to respond to disasters in American Samoa and reinforce our commitment to the safety and well-being of our community.
What does an Associate of Science in inclusive -Emergency Management mean?
The inclusive-Emergency Management (iEM) degree program aims to effectively plan for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate against disasters and emergencies while prioritizing the needs of all community members. It also ensures efforts are accessible, equitable, and inclusive for all individuals, including those with disabilities, marginalized communities, and other vulnerable populations.
Why inclusive-Emergency Management?
iEM can be crucial in strengthening the American Samoa community's resilience and promoting its residents' well-being in emergencies and disasters. Disability and access functional needs remain as "lessons learned" after a disaster. Designing a career pathway leading with inclusion in a holistic manner will build local capacity and bridge the gap to community and cultural resilience.
Possible Careers:
Disability Integration Advisor/Specialist
Access Functional Needs Specialist
Emergency Manager (FEMA, State, local, non-profit, private sector)
Hospital Emergency Preparedness Administrator
iEM Brochure (bifold)
iEM Flyer (half page)
iEM in 2024 - 2026 Catalog (Human Security Dept. pg. 82-84)
2024 - 2026 ASCC General Catalog
Saili le Atamai - Inclusive-Emergency Management
Project Manager and Chairperson Rosalee Shoulders brings FEMA Integration Team Liaison, Alex Baker to talk to host, Fatima Langkilde about the new associate's degree program that will offered starting this Fall 2024, as well as the importance of why our community needs more emergency management professionals, and why our degree is unique, focusing on our vulnerable populations, such as our aging and people with disabilities groups.
Our 2024 - 2026 Scholarship Cohort/Trainees
Click here to see our list of scholars.
Human Security Dept. Advisory Council
Click here to see our Human Security Department Advisory Council.
The development of this degree program is funded by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – Administration for Native Americans - Social Economic Development: Project Inclusive-Emergency Management Program and Leadership Opportunity for Youth (i-EMPLOY) award #90NA8492-01-00. Awarded to the Pacific Center in Human Security, formerly AS-University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD).