inclusive-Emergency Management Scholars

Our Scholarship Cohort consists of 20 individuals who applied and were accepted into the inclusive-Emergency Management Program and Leadership Opportunities for Youth (i.E.M.P.L.O.Y.). The scholars are set to graduate or complete program requirements by Spring 2026. Wishing them the best of luck! 

Our 2024 - 2026 Scholarship Cohort/Trainees

Alvina Savali

Apineru Vaoga

Deliberty Vaeao

Etevise Savelio

Ferminaline Ameko

Filipina Petelo

Florensenior Amituanai

Iutita Snow-Tuitasi

Judeniño Supapo

Levalefaiva Malala

Maika Tatofi

Merenita Setu

Miracle-Marie Howard

Nehemiah Lutu

Ninna Balauro

Soy Ah Siu

Taimane Peko

Talaeseseseolemalo Fa'aui

Tumanu Fesilafai

Vailulu'u Carter

The development of this degree program is funded by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – Administration for Native Americans - Social Economic Development: Project Inclusive-Emergency Management Program and Leadership Opportunity for Youth (i-EMPLOY) award #90NA8492-01-00. Awarded to the Pacific Center in Human Security, formerly AS-University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD).