Human Security Dept. Advisory Council
Our Human Security Department Advisory Council consists of practicing professionals from the community in the Human Security Studies-related fields.
ADVISORY Council MemberS
Alexander Baker, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Integration Team Liaison, FEMA
Ben Sili, Public Health Emergency Preparedness Deputy Director, AS Department of Health
Chester Manaea, Port Security Chief, AS Department of Port Administration
Elinor Lutu-McMoore, Meteorologist-in-Charge, Pago Pago National Weather Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Ernie Seiuli, Dept. of Computer Science Chairperson, American Samoa Community College
Janna Liu-Fakatoumafi, State Training Officer, AS Department of Homeland Security
Mulivanu Aiumu, Territorial Emergency Management Coordinating Office (TEMCO) Administrator, AS Department of Homeland Security
Rosie Ah Chee-Toeava, Dept. of Criminal Justice Chairperson, American Samoa Community College
The development of this degree program is funded by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – Administration for Native Americans - Social Economic Development: Project Inclusive-Emergency Management Program and Leadership Opportunity for Youth (i-EMPLOY) award #90NA8492-01-00. Awarded to the Pacific Center in Human Security, formerly AS-University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD).