MFP Stakeholder Advisory Council
In December 2022, an MFP Stakeholder Advisory Council (SAC) was formed to provide input and strategic advice to the MFP Program. The SAC meets quarterly and includes agencies that provide direct services to MFP’s target population (see WHO IS ELIGIBLE?). The SAC also has the responsibility to review the Transition, Food, and Housing Plan (included in the program’s Operational Protocol) and provide feedback. After receiving feedback, necessary amendments are made to the Operational Protocol and the plans. After this, they will be disseminated for a period of 30 days for public comment.
MFP Stakeholder Advisory Council
Faiilagi Poufa-Faiai, Deputy Director - American Samoa Medicaid Office
Corady Tufono, HCBS Specialist - American Samoa Medicaid Office
Margaret Sesepasara, Director of Nursing - American Samoa Department of Health, Nursing Division
Lele Ah Mu, Program Director - American Samoa Community College, Nursing Department
Elena Ioane, Executive Director, Catholic Social Services
First Lady Ella Gaea Perefot Failautusi Mauga, Cheif Executive Officer - Dementia Friendly American Samoa
Pa'ulia Pao-Pelenato, Assistant Director - Department of Human & Social Services, Children & Family Services Division
Tapuitea McMullin, Manager - Department of Commerce, Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Herbert Junella Boat, Director - Department of Education, Special Education Program Division
Norma Smith, Assistant Director - Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
Cathy Faoa Danielson, Manager - Department of Public Works, Transit Division
Eterei Toilolo, Manager - Development Bank of American Samoa, Home Rehabilitation Assistance Program
Danielle Pualau, Family Representative of an Individual with a Disability
Moemoe Singh, Family Representative of an Individual with a Disability
Frances Saelua Togia, Clinical Service Director - Hope House Residential Care Facility
Lesley Anderson-Penitusi, Division Manager/Medical-Renal Social Worker - LBJ Tropical Medical Center, Social Services & Discharge Planning
Alofaeleleuma Faualo, Lived Experience
Tapuamanaia Galu Satele, Deputy Director - Office of Protection and Advocacy
Apoga Joh Custodio - Office of Samoan Affairs
Esther Solaita, Manager - Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Independent Living Program
Sandra Scanlan, Program Director - Parents of Children with Special Needs
Andey Reid, Chief Executive Officer, Tautua Samoa MH Resource Center
Evelyn Lilio-Satele, Director - Territorial Administration on Aging
MFP Committees
Transition Committee
Nathaidia Moea'i, MFP Transition Coordinator (Chair)
Frances Saelua Togia, Clinical Service Director - Hope House Residential Care Facility
Patricia Masaniai - AS Department of Health
Lisa Ventura - Medquest Medical Supply
Lesley Anderson-Penitusi, Division Manager/Medical-Renal Social Worker - LBJ Tropical Medical Center, Social Services & Discharge Planning
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Committee
Jane Claire Cappelle, MFP HCBS Coordinator (Chair)
Ateliana Atonio - AS DOH, Community Behavioral Health Services Division
Corady Tufono, HCBS Specialist - American Samoa Medicaid Office
Ipuniuesea Eliapo - Department of Health, Leo O Aiga
Danielle Pualau, Family Representative of an Individual with a Disability
Shiyu Liang, Family Representative of an Individual with a Disability
Esther Solaita - Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Housing Committee
Denise Thomsen, MFP Project Director (Chair)
Eterei Toilolo - AS Department of Commerce -Housing Division, Home Rehabilitation Assistance Program
Tapuitea McMullin - AS Department of Commerce -Housing Division, Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Mona Uli - Back on Track
Moemoe Singh, Family Representative of an Individual with a Disability
Apoga Custodio - Office of Samoan Affairs
Data Committee
Noel Candelario, MFP Data Quality Analyst (Chair)
Jeremiah Fale - American Samoa Medicaid Office
Rattea Tagoai - Territorial Administration on Aging
Theresamarie Paul - Department of Commerce, Emergency Rental Assistance Program/Statistics
The American Samoa Money Follows the Person (MFP) is overseen by the Pacific Center in Human Security with the collaboration of Medicaid, the MFP Stakeholders Advisory Council, the American Samoa Government, local partners, and consultants.
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