MFP Stakeholder Advisory Council

In December 2022, an MFP Stakeholder Advisory Council (SAC) was formed to provide input and strategic advice to the MFP Program. The SAC meets quarterly and includes agencies that provide direct services to MFP’s target population (see WHO IS ELIGIBLE?). The SAC also has the responsibility to review the Transition, Food, and Housing Plan (included in the program’s Operational Protocol) and provide feedback. After receiving feedback, necessary amendments are made to the Operational Protocol and the plans. After this, they will be disseminated for a period of 30 days for public comment.

MFP Stakeholder Advisory Council

MFP Committees

Transition Committee

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Committee

Housing Committee

Data Committee

The American Samoa Money Follows the Person (MFP) is overseen by the Pacific Center in Human Security with the collaboration of Medicaid, the MFP Stakeholders Advisory Council, the American Samoa Government, local partners, and consultants.
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