Morning Atamai

Morning Atamai is a PCHS event where we invite ASCC admin, faculty, and staff to join us for coffee-sations with close partners. 

Our first Morning Atamai event was held from May 3, 6 - 9, 2024, during Faculty Appreciation Week.

This networking event offers ASCC faculty and staff a unique opportunity for growth, collaboration, and impact. 

Objectives are to:

Our coffee-sations with our guests work to help bridge academic and public service. Attendees will gain valuable insights from our ASCC alumni who have embarked on successful careers as federal and state employees. 

Our Spring 2024 Guests:

Elinor Lutu-McMoore from NOAA

Elinor Lutu-McMoore

NOAA Meteorologist-in-Charge

Alexander Baker from FEMA

Alexander J. Baker

FEMA Integration Team (FIT) Liaison

Tepora Paga from TSA

Tepora Paga

TSA Transporation Security Manager

Ionatana Tuitasi from HSEO

Ionatana Tuitasi

HSEO Energy Resilience Project Specialist

Morning Atamai Talk Show

Learn more about our Morning Atamai guests, the agency they work for, and their career field from our short Morning Atmai interview segment with an ASCC student host. 

Morning Atamai with Elinor Lutu-McMoore 

In this episode, Elinor Lutu-McMoore, Meteorologist-in-Charge at the US National Weather Service Pago Pago, talks to ASCC student Donwen Hong about her job and responsibilities as a federal government employee at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). She also dives into her time and experience as an ASCC student. 

More episodes coming soon.